Avigna Clinical Research Institute (ACRI), Bangalore was established with an intention to support all the research students, offering them with the best facilities along with an additional training. Started with a commitment to transform all the students in to professionals the organization is training students in various aspects along with regular academics. The college offers online courses which enhance the skills of the students and even offer classroom training under the supervision of the experts.

Facts and figures of Avigna Clinical Research Institute-

Affiliated To

Mysore University, IAO

Total number of companies visited in 2014


How to Reach

44.2 km from Bangalore Airport

11.9 km from the Bangalore Railway Station 

Why to join Avigna Clinical Research Institute, Bangalore?

  • Internship: The College assures internships to all the eligible students with the expert companies in the industry. The internship program organized by the college offers a great exposure to every student and support a lot while facing any interviews.
  • Innovative techniques: The College teaches various concepts to every student which are related to their academics and a few general aspects. They train all the students in much innovative manner which makes them gain self confidence that is much necessary to face the competitive world.
  • Alumni: The alumni of the college always stand as an aid to the college and will act as the mentors to all the juniors