Seth Motilal PG College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, Known as an industrialist and also known as the ‘Silver King’ is the founder of Seth Motilal PG Colle, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. The college is established so that they can provide knowledge for society and uplift it by providing education embedded in ethics and values. The college that exists today has gone through many changes. Initially just a middle school, the college transformed into intermediate college by its credentials and wonderful teaching methods. The college has been successful in all its’ endeavours. The college has brought change in the locale on a large scale. Established during the times when large masses are deprived of formal education, the college made sure that everyone got education. The college is one of the finest and maintains the best of standards. It is not only the education that the College is concerned about, but to bring out the professionals of the students.

Facts and figures of Seth Motilal PG College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

Year of establishment


Affiliated to

University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Recognized under

UGC for 2(f) and 12(b)

Why to join Seth Motilal PG College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan?

  • Labs: The college has well-equipped labs for each particular course. The labs are all well ventilated and have the advanced gadgets to make sure that the students have the best of everything.
  • Library: The college has its’ library and has space for over 5000 books. Apart from the books, the library is well-equipped with the best of journals and magazines that the students can refer.
  • Computer Lab: The College has a very spacious computer lab that can be used by students. The computer lab is provided to make sure that the students are well aware of the modern technology and to make them worth their degree. Basics of computer are taught to every batch.