The Bhardwaj Shikshan Sansthan was established in Karsog village of Mandi district at Himachal Pradesh to uplift the standard of teacher’s education. This society started its own teacher’s education and training college to meet out the increasing demands of trained and skilled teachers for various educational institutes. The major aim and objective of this educational society is to promote high levels of education and training of the teachers for the overall welfare of the society and its renowned citizens.

Facts and Figures of Bhardwaj Shikshan Sansthan-

Establishment Year



Mr. L.D. Bhardwaj

Approved By

National Council for Technical Education (NCTE)

Affiliated to

Himachal Pradesh University


5000 Books

Computer Lab

15 PCs

Auditorium Hall Capacity

150 Persons

How to Travel

170 Kms from Joginder Nagar railway station

127 Kms from Shimla Airport

300 m from Karsog Bus Stand

Why to Join Bhardwaj Shikshan Sansthan:

  • Exclusive Infrastructure: The Bhardwaj Shikshan Sansthan is famous for its high quality education of teachers. The college of education is a true symbol of excellence in terms of infrastructure.
  • Distinctive laboratories: The College is also equipped with separate laboratories for different subjects including computer lab, psychology lab, language lab, science lab, education lab and many more. Every lab is equipped with all its necessary equipments and requirements.
  • Effective Development: The College also aims at ensuring overall development of the students as well as teachers. It possesses various clubs in which the students can participate to nourish their personality.