CSAT program has been specially designed keeping in mind the challenges faced by beginners while preparing for Civil Services Examination. It is a comprehensive learning program with a special focus on fundamental concepts. The course duration is 12 weeks.

Course Details

Mode Offline/Online
Fee 15000
Duration 12 weeks


  • The aim of this program is to complete the preparation of an IAS aspirant through comprehensive coverage of Current Affairs with a unique and innovative approach.
  • The program aims to develop the capability among the aspirants of comprehending the information from the newspapers for maximizing the score in Prelims and Mains Examination.
  • To achieve this objective, a number of contemporary issues for Mains and hundreds of MCQs will be covered in the classes for providing students all the important current developments.
  • More than 500 contemporary issues for Mains Examination will be discussed in a holistic and precise manner.
  • There would be Answer Writing Practice to enhance the writing skills of the students with their answers directly checked by the EXPERT FACULTY.
  • More than 1000 MCQs will be covered in the class with a detailed discussion to cover a wide range of current topics for the Prelims Examination.
  • Separate classes exclusively for both Prelims and Mains will be conducted before the Exams. Subject-wise notes will also be provided for the exclusive Current Affairs.