Bharathiar University Affiliated Colleges Gear Up to Conduct Final Semester Online Exams

The Arts and Science Colleges affiliated to the Bharathiar University (BU) are all set to conduct the final semester exams for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The exams will be held from September 21 to 30, 2020.

Bharathiar University will be conducting a mock test on the coming Wednesday i.e. September 16 to prepare the students for the main online examinations. The affiliated colleges have the freedom to conduct the exams as per their own schedule but should be held until September 30 as per the UGC guidelines.

The BU examinations will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and will be in a descriptive format. Students can download the question papers from 9:45 am onwards and write the answers on A4 sheet papers which later have to be scanned into a PDF file and submitted at the respective colleges.

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Students having a poor device or internet connectivity, can also appear for exams from their respective colleges. In case a student misses the exam, the Bharathiar University will conduct the supplementary examination by October- end for the student's ease.

The Coimbatore Government Arts College has decided to conduct the UG and PG final semester exams between September 19 to September 30, 2020. The Principal of the college, K Chitra said about the upcoming examination, "Many students are from remote areas and thus have no internet access. The question paper to these students will be sent via WhatsApp and students can send the answer sheet in PDF format. The scripts will be included in a CD and evaluated. "

Coimbatore Government Arts College has appointed invigilators, HoDs, faculty from computer science, and programmers at the college computer lab from where invigilation will be done. An invigilator will be inspecting 15 students at a time.

Another autonomous college, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science will be conducting the examination from September 16 to 30, 2020. The College will also be conducting modal exams so as to familiarize students with the examination process. Every day 400 students can take the exam and one invigilator will be inspecting 16 students. The principal of the college, B L Shivakumar said about the examination procedure and informed that after completing the exam, students have to scan and convert the script into a PDF file and then submit. 



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