RBVRR college of education, Karimnagar was established in 2004-05. The college is located in seetharampur village, karimnagar mandal in Telangana. RBVRR College of education is managed by Rajabahadur Venkata Ramireddy Vigyana Parishad. The college offers one year Bachelor of education (B.Ed.) program with specialization Mathematics, Biological Science, Physical Science and Social Sciences and the intake of 100 students. The college has all necessary facilities like Library, Computer Lab, Psychology Lab, Play ground etc.

Facts and Figures of RBVRR college of education, Karimnagar:-

Establishment Year



Kakatiya University

Approved by

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

Campus area

9.12 acres


5546+ Books

10+ Journals


Computer Lab:- 12 Computers

Seating capacity of 20 students in Psychology lab

How to Reach

10km from Karimnagar railway station