Is there anything good about IEM, Kolkata for a BTech? Will we get any extra advantage studying in IEM?

1 Answer

Subhashree Nath Posted On - Mar 22, 2021
B.Tech. Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Management (2016)

A friend of mine did her BTech from IEM Kolkata and now she is working as a Cyber Security Analyst in a big firm. Here are a few things that she experienced in her duration at the college. 

  • Unnecessary Rules: Students often complain about the unnecessary discipline enforced by the college to attend all of the lectures and seminars irrespective of their choice and usefulness.
  • Faculty: In terms of faculty, there is a mix of average and good professors. But most of the good professors are moving to different colleges. 
  • Placements: In the terms of placement, the data may show it as amazing but in reality, most of the students of IEM end up in mass recruiting jobs offered by any IT company. Only a few of the students end up in good companies. 

If you are choosing IEM try to make the most of it. Other than college learning, try and take up some extra courses such as coding or hacking and security, it will help a lot. There are a handful of helpful faculties at IEM. Interacting and working with those professors will help a lot in going good places.

Learn to utilize their time and learn new things. Learn something new and read as much as possible. If you are not happy with campus placements then you should look for off-campus placements as well.



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