Balwant College, Maharashtra strives to provide a variety of stimulating environment to the students which extensively contributes in their development and personal growth. The college offers both graduate and post graduate courses and the curriculum included in these courses are only set with the perspective of making the aspirants sustain the changing scenario of globalization and its challenges. All the courses offered by the university encompassan eligibility criterion which proves to be indispensable for the students to clear.

Facts and Figures about Balwant College

Establishment of the College




Affiliating University

Shivaji University, Kolhapur



No. Of Faculty


Total enrolments


How to reach?

Nearby railway station Karad (40 km away)

Why to join Balwant College?

  • Infrastructure-College offers a sixteen acre campus including well furnished laboratories, library, canteen and many more.
  • Quality Learning-The college altogether runs a competitive guidance centre.There are lectures conducted on different topics and approximately 90 students have already taken benefit of such activities in the year 2014.
  • Additional Projects-the college also runs varied projects such as The Prabodhini Project, which takes care of the General Knowledge level of the aspirants.Other activities of the same include social activity which consist of participation of 200 and above volunteers and setting up of special camps in backward districts