Dr Bagesh Bihari is an Asst Professor of the Ramgarh Engineering College, Ramgarh. 

Ramgarh Engineering College

Being a Faculty of the Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Develop professional skills, mentor students' academic progress, and organize department activities are my primary duties”

Being a faculty of the department is a very challenging and at the same time very crucial job. We first provide academic support to students and are very active on phone and email. You would receive doubts in emails or texts or calls. Have to be present to answer all of those. Attending Faculty and departmental meetings, providing suggestions for improvement and developing professional logistics to improvise student performance. We guide, lead and mentor students in research projects. Our campus evaluates, monitors and mentors student academic progress. Create, innovate, implement career-enhancement programs and activities. Supervising or supporting teaching assistants is my other role. We organize functional activities of departmental committees, assess, review and evaluate student progress.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of Ramgarh Engineering College and how it can be enhanced?

“Mission and vision of campus is our biggest strength”

The biggest strength of the International school of management is its own mission and vision. Where the availability of a good education system, recruitment of excellent trainers, development of the best environment and accelerate the education system of Bihar is the exact mission. To enhance the strength, we should believe in contributing our fullest so that it can prepare the roadmap easily.

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students?

“Different training approaches and develop students' skills on campus”

In one lesson, a faculty may use many different training approaches with different end goals. They can know about their students and develop their thoughts. They can follow the concept of explicit instruction to focuses on frequent questioning and guided practice to help them to learn a topic.

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How does the Ramgarh Engineering College enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards?

“Training, technical practice, and lifelong learning skills are available to faculties”

A faculty’s skill enhancement is related to the development of his/her competencies. It will enable and empower him/her. It includes training and practice in various techniques, strategies such as soft skills, counseling skills, interpersonal skills and lifelong learning skills. This will help in planning and conducting a proper assessment.

How does the curriculum of campus ensure the best practice of the Industry?

“Tie up with technical professions, development processes and other industries”

Curriculum strategies lend themselves to the development of particular employability skills. Faculty can provide vision into the usefulness and effectiveness of the materials. Students can deliver input on level of engagement, learning effort, and overall impression of the curriculum. If the curriculum is tied to a technician profession, it must involve industry representatives in reviewing and examining the curriculum. This should be done as part of the development process, but if it is not the department could consider a representative to review the curriculum for alignment with industry expectations.

When you came to the Ramgarh Engineering College, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

“To educate pupils and make them effective problem-solvers is my primary vision”

My vision is to educate students to be successful, ethical, and effective problem-solvers. Life-long learners will contribute positively to the economic well-being of our region and nation. They are prepared to tackle complex challenges to face the world. To achieve the same, follow the concept of summative and formative assessment.

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What valuable advice would you like to the students to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Try to better yourself, grow every day and achieve your career goal”

Never be yourself. Being yourself is a myth. Always try to better yourself. Make yourself worthy of your success. If you are too comfortable in your job or in your career, think of setting new goals. Challenge yourself on every single day. Career should always be an incremental graph not a stagnant one. So does your life. Grow every day.