United Theological College (UTC), Bangalore, Karnataka was inaugurated under the name ‘The United Theological College of South India and Ceylon’ as a Christian college where students would obtain a sound theological education. The Church Missionary Society and the society for the Propagation of the Gospel became supporting bodies of UTC in 1951. It is affiliated to Senate of Serampore College and was granted the status of an autonomous college under the university in 1976. The faculty of the college is well-educated and experienced. They provide quality education and regularly assess the students on the basis of not only their related subject but also on their cultural and social etiquettes, communication skills, etc. They are available on and off classes for academic help and also at the time of moral support.

Facts and Figures:-

Establishment Year


University Type


Chairperson of the University

Most Rev. Dr. Devakadasham


University Grants Commission (UGC)

Campus Strength

500 +


Placement Cell established

Total Faculty Members

50 +


Well stocked, E-books available

Sports and cultural events

20 +

Campus Residents

100 +

How to Reach

Behind the Cantonment Railway Station, Miller’s Road, Bangalore

Why Join United Theological College (UTC)?

1. Visit of a great leader- United Theological College experienced one of the best days of the college history when the famous leader and the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi set his foot in the college in 1927.

2. Honored by India Post- On 8th July 2011, in honor of the United Theological College (UTC), India Post released a centenary commemorative stamp.

3. Tie-ups with foreign Universities- The UTC undertakes exchange programs with the Divinity School of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and the theological faculty of the University of Basel Switzerland.