Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Technology & Science - [SRITS], Datia - Reviews

Datia, Madhya Pradesh Estd 2002 RGPV, Bhopal Private 0

SRITS Reviews

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9.3 /10

Course Curriculum Overview:

in course curriculum, my branch was EC and I had 8th sem, there are 65 to 70 students in the classroom, and the faculty members were experienced and experts, learned many more new things practically, in my major and the minor project they helped me a lot in the minor project as I told I was working on ATM parts name, working on each part and all that was smooth, in a major project I learned practically and I was working on MATLAB.


The admission process was smooth, I was looking for an EC branch at that time, and I was admitted in 2011 after counseling I received an EC branch. I have given JEE also in 2011. that was a great experience in SRITS college, I have learned many more things from that college, I have dome major and minor projects both in SRITS college, and after completing 7th sem, I was selected for the college campus, the company was situated in Indore, they offered me 3.5LPA as a fresher, my minor project was making and modify ATM.

college: 9/10
course: 9/10
internship: 10/10
campus life: 9/10

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