Dr. Biswajeet Champaty is the Associate Professor and Head of the School of Engineering at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune. He completed his B.Tech and M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering. With a Ph.D. he has a profound interest in the field of medical electronics and instrumentation with a specialization in biosignal-based intelligent human-computer interface design for controlling assistive devices. He has presented many research works in IEEE conferences and published many research articles in refereed journals. He has received the ISER-Young Scientist Award 2017 by the International Society for Engineers and Researchers, Vienna, Austria for his contribution to the field of “Human-Computer Interaction”.

Ajeenkya DY Patil University

What is the latest program that you are offering in your institute?

“B.Tech in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence and Data Science”

Currently, we offer the following multidisciplinary and future-proof courses

  • B.Tech Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
  • B.Tech Biomedical Engineering
  • B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • B.Tech Medical Biotechnology
  • B.Tech Food Technology
  • B.Tech Automobile Engineering
  • B.Tech Mechanical Design
  • M.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • M.Tech Biomedical Engineering
  • M.Tech Biotechnology

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

“Best career opportunity for the future and a strong Industry Alliance program”

 Business-validated, competency-based curriculum that benchmarks against the internationally developed frameworks [ABET-US, CSAB-US]. Also, exposure to real-life industrial projects, customized coursework, and the best student-faculty ratio.

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What will you say the “best practices” in the programs you’re offering are?

Holistic teaching for all-round development of the learners”

The best practices include Industry mentorship, global certification on cutting-edge technologies and mandatory One-Year internship. Additionally, international experience through the global immersion program, scaffolding learning and project focussed learning are the key best practices.

How did you train the faculty to deliver this program to the students?

“By enabling them with critical thinking, complex problem solving, and correct decision-making”

 The faculties are from premier national and international institutions with Ph.D.’s. Many faculties are also from reputed industries with more than 20 years of experience. The faculties are the best at implementing innovative teaching pedagogies and creating inquisitiveness to learn. They are also upskilled through F2I (Faculty to Industry) Program. We conduct various faculty development programs for all-round development.

How do you tend to build an industry connection with this program?

“Offering exposure on real-time projects, mentorship, and joint research”

  • The Industry-Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) of Ajeenkya DY Patil University aims to narrow the gap between the institute and the industry. 
  • IIIC promotes industry experts to partake in curriculum design and career development programs for faculties like TTT- programs (Train the Trainer). 
  • This enhances the Teaching-Learning Process, hones the skill set of the students and enables the Institution to produce industry-ready graduates.
  • The IIIC addresses the student community monthly about industry trends, opportunities, skills gaps, etc.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

“Internships consisting of industry-oriented live projects and research-based activities”

 Students undertake three kinds of projects, namely, course project, research project and industry project. 

  • Under the course project, the students should work in a group to develop mini projects for each course they learn. 60% of their course evaluation is based on their performance and understanding of their course project. 
  • Under research project, students with similar interest but diversified skillset take up a one-year project and end up with a merchantable product/ service. 
  • During the internship, students take up real-time industry projects. They are either a part of a huge industry project or develop a standalone product for the industry. 

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What are the benefits and career options after pursuing these programs? 

“Our curriculum inspires students to be entrepreneurs and self-dependent”

Engineering students mostly opt for industry jobs or higher studies. 11 student start-ups have been registered and incubated under our Incubation Cell. Because of our international-standard curriculum, many students are easily getting higher-study opportunities abroad.