Mr. Divyanshu Jain is currently working as Assistant professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Institute of Engineering and technology at JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur. With several years of experience in teaching and industry, he has been mentoring students in Community Development Services, and has worked at Broadcom Corporation and with Polaris FT Chennai. He has several research papers in the field of IoT and Antenna Design presented in various national and international conferences.

JK Lakshmipat University

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Overall look after, analysis, feedback and counselling of students”

As faculty of the EEE department, my basic roles and responsibilities towards students include engaging classes regularly and punctually, and imparting the intended knowledge to students. I develop methodology to educate students about the topic such as problem solving, Quiz, exams, discussions, etc. and then implement the same in the classroom. In consultation with the other course coordinator, I assure that course content allows students to meet outcomes associated with that course. I always try to be available for students both with and without appointments, and make sincere attempts to solve their difficulties. Academic and personal counselling, guiding students on career opportunities, informing students about their course progress and keeping a record, organizing workshops, seminars and symposium, and taking feedback from students are my duty towards them. 

How do you tend to establish healthy relations within your University?

“Regular interactions and positive work culture”

Communication and understanding are immensely important to build relations. I often interact with my students and fellow faculty, understand their ideas and respect them. I attend student events, ask questions and discuss with my colleagues, respect their suggestions, and support them whenever needed. I provide positive comments and feedback, give justified credit for work, and understand personal and professional issues of students and fellow faculty to help them. 

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How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?

“Industry oriented teaching and training practices”

I teach and train students to understand the topic in a more practical way relating to the application. We allow students to work properly in the lab with extra time discussion and project work. Also, the university organizes need based workshops, seminars, symposia, visits to industries and excursions etc. to give best exposure to the students. We invite guest speakers for interaction and guidance with students as well. Expert sessions of industry people, small practical activities along with projects and Group discussions on latest trends of industry are a regular practice. 

How do you strategize the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

“Revising and upgrading in accordance with industry needs”

By getting feedback from alumni and industry experts about the current industry trends and requirements, we upgrade our curriculum on a regular basis. Brainstorming with other colleagues and finally in the BOS meeting a common decision is taken about the content that needs to be revised. Usually minor changes take place every year and major in around 3 to 4 years. Sometimes minor changes can be made to fulfill the learning goals of the course. 

How do you help your students to cope up with the competition being so high?

“Ample learning opportunities and continuous evaluation”

We teach students in a group-wise manner, and ask them to discuss the topic more and more, and try to go more deep into knowledge of that topic. We evaluate them on the basis of practical learning and class performance that ensures they don't overlook any aspect of higher education. Moreover, we guide them to become self-learners and learn beyond the classroom making them self-dependent to learn new things to compete in the marketplace. We help them to learn more in the field and case studies, and update their market skills. We offer a number of student’s clubs, along with other cultural, tech and sports fest, all majorly run by students helping them to improve their management and leadership skills as well. 

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What valuable advice would you like to give to the students?

“Learn and gain knowledge practically”

I will ask them to just simply learn the things related to their courses with honesty and explore the things which are market demanding. Work more on the practical aspect of learning and decode your goals with these skills.